Jon Cooke, of GAC fame, posted the contents of the Harveytoons DVD set coming out the day 7 of November.
Here's the list:
Disc 1, Side A:
Show #1:
Boo Moon (1954)- Casper
Dizzy Dishes - Little Audrey
Out of This Whirl
Clip: Invention Convention
Show #2:
Mouse Trapeze - Herman & Katnip
Casper Comes to Clown (1951)- Casper
Jolly the Clown
Clip: Clown on the Farm - Baby Huey
Show #3:
Scout Fellow - Baby Huey
Boo Scout (1951) - Casper
Scouting for Trouble
Clip: Northwest Mousie - Herman & Katnip
Show #4:
Cat Tamale - Herman & Katnip
Bull Fright (1955) - Casper
Pedro and Lorenzo
Clip: Fiesta Time
Show #5:
Once Upon a Rhyme (1950) - Casper, Wolfie
Little Audrey Riding Hood - Little Audrey
Dante Dreamer
Clip: Winner by a Hare - Tommy Tortoise & Moe Hare
Show #6:
Mousetro Herman - Herman & Katnip
Boo Bop (1957)- Casper
Animal Fair
Clip: Vegetable Vaudeville
Show #7:
Huey's Ducky Daddy - Baby Huey
The Seapreme Court - Little Audrey
Feast and Furious - Finny & Katnip
Clip: Casper's Spree Under the Sea
Disc 1, Side B:
Show #8:
Herman the Catoonist - Herman & Katnip
Ghost of Honor (1957)- Casper
Rabbit Punch - Tommy Tortoise & Moe Hare
Clip: Tweet Music
Show #9:
Which is Witch (1958)- Casper, Wendy
Case of the Cockeyed Canary - Little Audrey
Perry Popgun
Clip: Sleuth But Sure - Tommy Tortoise & Moe Hare
Show #10:
Mice Meeting You - Herman & Katnip
True Boo - Casper
Jumping with Toy - Baby Huey
Clip: Ice Scream (1957)- Casper
Show #11:
Boos and Saddles (1953)- Casper
Git Along Little Ducky - Baby Huey
Shootin' Stars
Clip: Cat Carson Rides Again - Herman & Katnip
Show #12:
Casper Takes a Bow Wow (1951)- Casper
Dawg Gone - Little Audrey
Fido Beta Kappa
Clip: By Leaps and Hounds
Show #13:
Cat in the Act - Herman & Katnip
Ghost Writers (1958)- Casper
Top Cat
Clip: Starting from Hatch - Baby Huey
Show #14:
Swab the Duck - Baby Huey
Deep Boo Sea (1952)- Casper
Ship-a-Hooey - Herman & Katnip
Clip: Drippy Mississippi
Disc 2, Side A:
Show #15:
Of Mice and Menace - Herman & Katnip
Ghost of the Town (1952)- Casper
TV Fuddlehead
Clip: Law and Audrey - Little Audrey
Show #16:
Do or Diet (1953)- Casper
You Said a Mouseful - Herman & Katnip
The Voice of the Turkey
Clip: Hysterical History
Show #17:
Mice-Capades - Herman & Katnip
Fright from Wrong - Casper
Clip: Houndabout
Show #18:
One Funny Knight - Herman & Katnip
Red, White, and Boo - Casper
Silly Science
Clip: Dizzy Dinosaurs
Show #19:
Boo Kind to Animals - Casper
Surf Bored - Little Audrey
Okey Dokey Donkey
Clip: Fun at the Fair
Show #20:
Robin Rodenthood - Herman & Katnip
Cage Fright - Casper
Bopin Hood
Clip: Hold the Lion Please - Little Audrey
Show #21:
Good Scream Fun - Casper
Mouseum - Herman & Katnip
Fine Feathered Fiend
Clip: Forest Fantasy
Disc 2, Side B:
Show #22:
Drinks on the Mouse - Herman & Katnip [edit- sleeping pills end gag]
Pig-a-Boo - Casper, Wolfie
News Hound
Clip: Trick or Tree
Show #23:
Owly to Bed - Herman & Katnip
Boo-Hoo Baby - Casper
Bouncing Benny
Clip: Hound About That
Show #24:
Ground Hog Play - Casper
Sock-a-Bye Kitty - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack]
Talking Horse Sense
Clip: Aero-Nutics
Show #25:
Party Smarty - Baby Huey
Casper's Birthday Party - Casper
Clip: Mighty Termite
Show #26:
Zero the Hero - Casper
Cat-Choo - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack]
Finnegan's Flea
Clip: No Place Like Rome
Show #27:
City Kitty - Katnip
Spooking About Africa - Casper
Clip: Without Time or Reason
Show #28:
Of Mice and Magic - Herman & Katnip
Puss N Boos - Casper
Funderful Suburbia
Clip: The Boss is Always Right
Disc 3, Side A:
Show #29:
To Boo or Not to Boo - Casper
Mousieur Herman - Herman & Katnip
Good and Guilty
Clip: Miners 49ers
Show #30:
Boos and Arrows - Casper
Fiddle Faddle
Land of the Lost Watches
Clip: Fishing Tackler - Little Audrey
Show #31:
Pest Pupil - Baby Huey
Hooky Spooky - Casper
Kozmo Goes to School
Clip: Busy Buddies
Show #32:
One Quack Mind - Baby Huey
Heir Restorer - Casper
Cool Cat Blues
Clip: Surf and Sound - Herman & Katnip
Show #33:
Boo Ribbon Winner - Casper
Goodie the Gremlin
Cape Kidnaveral
Clip: Candy Cabaret
Show #34:
Monkey Doodles
Hide and Shriek - Casper
Popcorn and Politics
Clip: Snooze Reel
Disc 3, Side B:
Show #35:
Little Boo Peep - Casper
Trouble Date
The Shoe Must Go On
Clip: Gag and Baggage
Show #36:
A Bicep Built for Two - Herman & Katnip
North Pal - Casper
The Kid from Mars
Clip: Counter Attack
Show #37:
Huey's Father's Day - Baby Huey
Peek-a-Boo - Casper
Lion in the Roar
Clip: Fresh Yeggs
Show #38:
Sky Scrappers - Herman & Katnip
By the Old Mill Scream - Casper
Poop Goes the Weasel
Clip: From Dime to Dime
Show #39:
Audrey the Rainmaker - Little Audrey (edited)
Casper Genie - Casper
Right Off the Bat
Clip: TV or Not TV
Show #40:
From Mad to Worse - Herman & Katnip
Doing What's Fright - Casper
Stork Raving Mad
Clip: Hi-Fi Jinx
Disc 4, Side A:
Show #41:
Hide and Peak - Herman & Katnip
La Petite Parade
The Oily Bird
Sir Irving and Jeames
Show #42:
Down to Mirth - Casper
Turtle Scoop - Tommy Tortoise & Moe Hare
The Inquisit Visit
Katnip's Big Day - Herman & Katnip, Buzzy [original soundtrack]
Show #43:
Keep Your Grin Up - Casper
L'Amour the Merrier
Possum Pearl
Clip: Disguise the Limit
Show #44:
Not Ghoulty - Casper
Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack]
Grateful Gus
Show #45:
Penguin For Your Thoughts - Casper
Mr. Money Gags - Tommy Tortoise & Moe Hare
Quack A Doodle Doo - Baby Huey
Show #46:
Spook and Span - Casper
Mice Paradise - Herman & Katnip
Cock-a-Doodle Dino
Kitty Cornered
Disc 4, Side B:
Show #47:
Felineous Assault - Herman & Katnip
Dutch Treat - Casper
Fit to be Toyed
Party Smarty - Baby Huey [the only cartoon repeated on the DVD set]
Show #48:
Rail Rodents - Herman & Katnip
Spook No Evil - Casper
Mike the Masquerader
Better Bait Than Never - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack]
Show #49:
Spunky Skunky - Casper
The Awful Tooth - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack / original 1960s Harveytoons TV titles]
The Planet Mouseola
Clip: Off We Glow
Show #50:
Line of Screamage - Casper
As the Crow Lies - Buzzy & Katnip [original soundtrack]
The Lion's Busy
Show #51:
Spooking with a Brogue - Casper
Will Do Mousework - Herman & Katnip
Be Mice to Cats
The Phantom Moustacher
Show #52:
Frightday the 13th - Casper
Frighty Cat - Herman & Katnip
Spooking of Ghosts
Cane and Able
Luckily, they restored the original soundtrack of the Buzzy the Crow Noveltoons.
However a number of enjoable Famous Studios cartoons are missing or present only as excerpts ("Sleuth but Sure", "Winner by a Hare", "Casper's Spree Under the Sea", "Cat Carson Rides Again"....).
Let's hope in a volume 2 to "clean the mess".
"Rabbit Punch" misses, as all prints I've seen in my life, the original ending: an alteration of the usual Paramount ending credits (like it happened in "No, Ifs Ands or Butts" or "Alpine for You")
Anyway, I highly recommend to buy this set, due to the rarity and the incredible number of the cartoons featured in it.
Thứ Ba, 31 tháng 10, 2006
Toby the Pup in "Halloween"
Here's a great spooky cartoon from Toby the Pup series. Like "The Milkman" presented here ten days ago, this is a very funny and inventive cartoon with beautiful rubber hose animation, and lot of obvious Fleischer influences.
For more info about the song "Smarty" used in this cartoon, check out David Gerstein's The Cartoon Pop Music Page .
Also, you can watch the entire cartoon here (unfortunately, this version on YouTube suffers from audio sync problems).
And finally, here's the entire Toby the Pup filmography. Cartoons denoted with * are known to exist today. The others are considered as lost.
The Museum (August 19, 1930) *
The Fiddler (September 1, 1930)
The Miner (October 1, 1930)
The Showman (November 22, 1930)
The Bug House (December 7, 1930)
Circus Time (January 25, 1931) *
The Milkman (February 25, 1931) *
Brown Derby (March 22, 1931)
Down South (April 15, 1931) *
Halloween (May 1, 1931) *
Aces Up (May 16, 1931)
The Bull Thrower (June 7, 1931)

For more info about the song "Smarty" used in this cartoon, check out David Gerstein's The Cartoon Pop Music Page .
Also, you can watch the entire cartoon here (unfortunately, this version on YouTube suffers from audio sync problems).
And finally, here's the entire Toby the Pup filmography. Cartoons denoted with * are known to exist today. The others are considered as lost.
The Museum (August 19, 1930) *
The Fiddler (September 1, 1930)
The Miner (October 1, 1930)
The Showman (November 22, 1930)
The Bug House (December 7, 1930)
Circus Time (January 25, 1931) *
The Milkman (February 25, 1931) *
Brown Derby (March 22, 1931)
Down South (April 15, 1931) *
Halloween (May 1, 1931) *
Aces Up (May 16, 1931)
The Bull Thrower (June 7, 1931)

Chủ Nhật, 29 tháng 10, 2006
Cartoon of the Month: "L'ultimo Sciuscià"
This time, I present you "L'ultimo Sciuscià", a cartoon that, as the regular readers of the blog may recall, I had already analysed a few months ago:
And now, for your enjoyment, here's your chance to see it in motion!
Yours Truly,
And now, for your enjoyment, here's your chance to see it in motion!
Yours Truly,
Thứ Sáu, 20 tháng 10, 2006
Toby the Milkman (1931)
Until recently, Toby the Pup was one of the most mysterious and least known cartoon characters of the clasic era. All of the twelve Toby cartoons produced in 1930 and 1931 were once considered as lost. Fortunately, five cartoons have been discovered so far (though one of them survives only in an incomplete form), and there's always a hope that the others might appear in some archives all over the world. One of these rare cartoons, "Toby the Milkman" is featured in today's post. All Toby the Pup cartoons were produced by Charles Mintz and distributed by RKO Radio Pictures.

Toby the Pup cartoons were co-directed, co-written and animated by the powerhouse trio of Sid Marcus (who also created the character), Dick Huemer and Art Davis. Each of them took roughly one third of the cartoon, and worked on it almost independently. Such approach is really evident in "Toby the Milkman", because this cartoon consists of three nearly separate parts. In the last segment, "Toby the Milkman" for no particular reason suddenly transforms into a barn dance cartoon, with hilarious results.

This cartoon shows quite a lot of Fleischer influences in the design and gags. Also, Toby himself was rather similar in appearance to the earliest incarnations of Fleischer's Bimbo. That is not a coincidence, since both Sid Marcus and Dick Huemer worked at Fleischer studio before joining Charles Mintz.
"Toby the Milkman" is a very funny and enjoyable cartoon, and also a great example of early 30s rubber hose animation.

Take a look at the funny animal crowd in the background of the following five screenshots. You'll surely notice among them the two familiar characters from another series produced by Charles Mintz.

Toby the Pup cartoons were co-directed, co-written and animated by the powerhouse trio of Sid Marcus (who also created the character), Dick Huemer and Art Davis. Each of them took roughly one third of the cartoon, and worked on it almost independently. Such approach is really evident in "Toby the Milkman", because this cartoon consists of three nearly separate parts. In the last segment, "Toby the Milkman" for no particular reason suddenly transforms into a barn dance cartoon, with hilarious results.

This cartoon shows quite a lot of Fleischer influences in the design and gags. Also, Toby himself was rather similar in appearance to the earliest incarnations of Fleischer's Bimbo. That is not a coincidence, since both Sid Marcus and Dick Huemer worked at Fleischer studio before joining Charles Mintz.
"Toby the Milkman" is a very funny and enjoyable cartoon, and also a great example of early 30s rubber hose animation.

Take a look at the funny animal crowd in the background of the following five screenshots. You'll surely notice among them the two familiar characters from another series produced by Charles Mintz.

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